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Buy Hygetropin 10iu Somatropin Hygene

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Ingredient: Somatropin

Manufacturer: Hygene

Item price: $35.00

Buy Hygetropin 10iu

Somatotropin - a peptide hormone that is produced by the front of the pituitary gland, consists of 191 amino acids, has a wide spectrum of action. It has a strong anabolic and anti-catabolic effect, increases protein synthesis, burns fat and prevents the destruction of muscle mass. It contributes to hyperplasia, an increase in the number of muscle cells, this is one of its unique properties, which is simply impossible to achieve without its presence in an increased concentration in the blood. Increases bone mass, even if growth areas are closed, the bones will continue to grow not in length but in thickness.

Hygetropin 10iu is a recombinant analog of endogenous (that is, which is produced by our body on its own) growth hormone, with a formula absolutely identical to human growth hormone. Recombinant means obtained through genetic engineering in a laboratory setting. This process is quite complicated and expensive, growth hormone is synthesized by special bacteria E. coli, but its chain contains an additional methionine residue, which must be cleaved to obtain the desired amino acid sequence. It is in cleaning that the main high cost of this type of production lies.

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A little background about Hygetropin 10iu

Somatotropin was discovered back in 1920, and was first extracted in 1944 from the pituitary gland of animals. In 1956, human growth hormone was first isolated from the corpses of the dead, and already in 1958 the first results of exogenous therapy on children who suffered from a lack of growth were noted. The treatment helped and this drug gained more and more popularity every year among dwarfs and people with small stature.

But soon this method showed its drawbacks, namely the transfer of various viral diseases from the dead. And it was decided to refuse it.

Many years have passed since science took a step forward, and only in 1980 a new technology appeared - genetic engineering, which allowed scientists to synthesize growth hormone from bacteria.

Hygetropin 10iu in comparison with competitors

One of the producers of Haygetropin is a person from the creators of Jintropin. Jitropin is one of the oldest and highest-quality growth hormones, officially supplied to the Russian and Ukrainian markets (and therefore subject to maximum checks).

In practice, hygetropin - even surpasses Jintropin in biological activity. 8 units of highgropin give the result as 9.6 units of jintropin.

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The main properties of Hygetropin 10iu:

  • contributes to the collection of dry muscle mass (including due to hyperplasia);

  • interferes with catabolism (muscle destruction);

  • stimulates fat burning processes;

  • It is an additional source of energy (when splitting fatty acids, a large amount of glucose is obtained);

  • accelerates the healing of various injuries;

  • It has a rejuvenating effect (smoothes wrinkles, increases the saturated color of hair, eliminates their fragility, increases the strength of nails and so on);

  • helps organs recover atrophy with age;

  • increases bone mass;

  • in open growth zones (up to 25 years) it contributes to an increase in the total growth of a person;

  • strengthens the immune system;

  • visual acuity;

  • improving mood, improving memory;

  • virtually no side effects.

All of the above properties of growth hormone are determined not only by its action, but also the main role of the growth-stimulating effect of growth hormone is determined by IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor), which is formed in the liver as a result of exposure to growth hormone.

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Hygetropin 10iu in sports

Haygetropin is very popular in various sports, because of its ability to reduce subcutaneous fat, increase the growth of lean muscle mass, connective tissue. It also significantly reduces the likelihood of injuries due to the strengthening of bone-connective tissues, which include tendons and cartilage.

The big plus is that growth hormone does not have any detrimental effect on potency and does not require post-course therapy.

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Application methods

In order to correctly understand what dosages of growth hormone you need, you first need to decide in order to use it:

As an assistant to healing (prophylaxis) after various injuries, including joints.

For example, somatotropin is very actively used in sports such as football, tennis, athletics, where Achilles tendon injuries are a frequent case. It is also very advisable to use it in power sports, where the load on the joint-ligamentous apparatus reaches its maximum load. Growth hormone will help strengthen and reinforce overload sensitive locations.

To heal injuries, use 5-10 units per day;

To strengthen the ligaments,

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